69-29 Metropolitan Avenue, Middle Village (Queens), NY 11379

Calvary Chapel At The Cross teaches Bible Studies through the entirety of the Holy Bible, every book, every chapter and every verse. Through the grace of God, our church has completed the teaching through of the entire New Testament’s 27 books, and the entire Old Testament’s 5 book Torah (Pentateuch).

On Sunday mornings, we are now on our 2nd time teaching through the entire New Testament.

The World's Ultimate Planned Event

The World’s Ultimate Planned Event

The ultimate event that this world has ever seen had happened when Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross for your sins. This was, in effect, the world’s ultimate planned event, planned out by God Himself. In Mark 10, Jesus begins to prophesy in great detail about this event which would happen to Him. Listen in to learn more!

Guest Teachers

Fall Back in Love with Jesus

The church in Ephesus was doctrinally sound, patient, and worked hard for the Lord, but Jesus comes on the scene to rebuke the church for something they lacked: staying in love with Him. For the church then and now, Jesus helps us to understand that He’s much more concerned with our relationship and fellowship with Him, rather than the works that come from having a relationship with Him. This rebuke from Jesus allows us to repent and to run back to Jesus, our true and only first love, our Messiah, the One who saved us from the Lake of Fire and gave us eternal life with Him.

Married Life and Single Life

Married Life and Single Life – part 7 – Designing Single Life

In this teaching, we continue to look at some of what the Bible says regarding issues of single Christian living, and how serving the Lord can be great marriage preparation. This teaching covers: Serving the Lord without distractions, Celebrating your singleness and serving as a Christian instead of complaining, Serving can help keep you accountable with sexual temptations, Serving keeps you busy and out of trouble, Serving is the path of a disciple, Serving teaches you faithfulness, Serving teaches you how to love one another, Serving trains Christians for their eternal marriage to Jesus Christ.