Christian Marriage Blessing of Waiting

Waiting on God’s plan for your Christian marriage may be tough, but it’ll be well worth the wait!
✅ A Christian Marriage done God’s way
For God to really bless your marriage, your Christian marriage must be done God’s way.
After all, God is the creator of marriage. He alone gets to define what marriage is. And He teaches us in His Word what His will is for your marriage as well.
✅ Not good to be alone
“And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” (Genesis 2:18)
I used to pray through this verse. The reality is that I would beg and plead with God on so many occasions.
I’d lay out in my home, face down on the floor. And I’d be crying while seeking the Lord for His strength.
You see, I had a bad track record. I’d had so many failures and a lack of godly wisdom in virtually all of my relationship choices. Every single relationship choice was a lesson in “crash and burn.” Or “how not to do things God’s way.”
But marriage was something that I had to get right; and I wanted a Christian marriage that was done in the will of God and according to God’s Word. This meant that I had to be willing to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2)
My mind had to be transformed and be filled with God’s thoughts. I had to learn to think like how God thinks. To see as God sees. And to do as God wants me to do.
I would cry out to Him, “God, You said that ‘It is not good that man should be alone.’ Please help me to wait for the one woman You created just for me! Help me to have faith in You.”
Just as Adam and Eve were made by God for each other, I also knew that God created me specifically for only one woman. And not one woman at a time, like how the world thinks.
I didn’t start out living this way; however, God taught me how to think as I followed Jesus as my Lord. And as I followed His plan for my life, I had a lot of crying and repenting to do. Seriously, a lot of repenting.
In my being “alone,” I had to learn to cling to the Lord and Him alone. I had to learn how to trust in the Lord alone. And in so doing, I found that I am never truly “alone.”
✅ Learning patience while waiting on the Lord
Those waiting years were painful; but they were extremely valuable and helpful!
There’s no other way to learn spiritual patience, other than by learning to wait on the Lord. We have to wait for God’s timing, and for God’s plan to be done God’s way.
By God’s grace, we do Christian marriage counseling now. And telling singles and couples to wait on the Lord’s timing is where a lot of us seem to fail.
God tells us to “Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him.” (Psalm 37:7a)
But as rebellious and pushy people, we don’t want to “wait on the LORD.” (Psalm 37:9)
We may say we’re waiting on the Lord. We’ll even sing it in our songs. We’ll put it on our Christian memes and artwork. But God is trying to slow us down so we learn to hear what He has to say.
I’ve loved Isaiah 40:31 where God says:
“But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.”
That’s what I wanted for my life, and for my marriage. But I had to learn how to “wait on the LORD.”
✅ Learning how to serve a wife while serving His Bride
Just like how Jesus, being a Husband, is still waiting for His one Bride, the Church – I had to learn to wait. I had to grow and mature, and grow and grow and grow. And I’m still growing, by the grace of God.
And just as Adam, and probably likewise, with Isaac, stayed busy with the things of God – I, too, was to stay busy serving the Lord during the time of waiting for God’s choice for my wife.
Other men had mentored and discipled me into the thought that ministry is great marriage preparation. You know what? They were absolutely right!
By serving the Bride of Jesus in His church, the Lord taught me tremendous lessons on how I was to serve my own wife.
God was building godly Christian character into my own life, as I learned to apply God’s Word.
I didn’t know these things, but He was teaching me along the way.
✅ The Blessing of Waiting in Christian Marriage
Now Susan and I get to celebrate with God that 15 years ago today, it was God alone that had brought us together!
It was solely by the hand of God, and by the will of God, that He had brought us together for marriage.
We now know and can boldly say that God Himself had married us. Nobody else, and nothing else gets the credit for bringing us together.
It’s also only by the grace of God that He has kept us together through these 15 years. Thank You, Lord!
We met while serving our Lord God, and we’re still serving Him together.
We hope and pray that God would continue to use our marriage as a testimony to His grace and to His faithfulness. Please pray for us as we pray for you.
Our encouragement to you is to wait upon the Lord for His timing. For God’s timing in your marriage, in your family, in your ministry and for everything else.
Question:❓ How has God blessed you as you’ve waited upon Him? ❓