Established and Encouraging

Paul longed to see the Christians in Rome because he wanted them to receive spiritual gifts, so that they would be established in Christ.
In my own life, I see that God has greatly used His Spiritual empowerment to get me to mature. He still does as I have a lot of areas to mature in!
I’m still learning so much. Still maturing. Still making many mistakes…but trying to learn from them and glean His wisdom.
But nothing replaces God’s Supernatural and Spiritual Gifting.
Without God’s empowerment for life and ministry, we’re not only going to fail, but we’d be ministering in the strengths of our own flesh!
✅ Paul saw a pattern as he ministered to people
People would hear the Gospel.
Some would receive the Gospel and get saved.
Paul would pray for them to receive Spiritual Gifts.
He noticed how the Spiritual Gifts had helped the Christian churches to spiritually mature.
He saw that the Christians in a congregation had to mature past only receiving God’s grace.
They had to move onto maturity by learning to share God’s grace mutually with others.
This is how he knew that the congregation was maturing
This is why Spiritual Gifts help the Christian and greatly help the congregation to be established in the ways of God.
✅ Paul would become a recipient of others also ministering to him
Paul saw that when others would receive God’s Spiritual Gifting, that they would reciprocate and there would be a mutual encouragement, one to another.
This is absolutely necessary for a healthy church body to have.
This is what you should pray for wherever your home church is.
Don’t seek to only receive when you attend a local church.
Seek to reciprocate back the love, the encouragement and the many blessings for one another.
Serve one another where God has you at right now.
But do it with the Spiritual Gifting and empowerment that God alone can provide.
Question:❓ How are you utilizing your Spiritual Gifting in God’s church? ❓