Okay, can I just get right to the point?!
You need to do what you can to join us on Wednesday, February 19!
We’re having a special live discussion on the Spiritual Gifts with Pastor Jim Milligan of Blue Letter Bible.
And if you haven’t yet seen the Blue Letter Bible website, go there now and check it out!
In my opinion, Blue Letter Bible is the best free website and app for in-depth Bible study and research. Apparently, I’m not the only one who loves BLB…last year alone, Blue Letter Bible had 18 Million unique visitors. Yes, that’s 18 Million in just 2019 alone!
And to think, that BLB started by a couple of computer guys who wanted to use their unique talents for God!
You can find the Blue Letter Bible website here.
And download the free app for your Apple device here or Android device here.
Please pray for and consider supporting our friends over at Blue Letter Bible.
I hope to see you in our Sunday Services and to see you on Wednesday too as we continue to pray for, study and discuss Spiritual Gifts with God and each other.
I love you all!
~ Pastor Drew Segawa
See this event on our Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/events/285581672418315/