The Gospel of God

Paul defines the gospel of God for us here in this chapter of Romans. We’ll learn what the Gospel is concerning.
✅ The Gospel of God was promised by God
The Gospel of God was promised by God Himself.
He promised there would be a New Covenant to come.
✅ The Gospel of God was prophesied by God
The Gospel of God was prophesied through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures.
This Gospel is what the entire Old Testament looked forward to.
✅ The Gospel of God is found in the Old Testament Scriptures
What we call the “Old Testament” Scriptures prophesied about a New Covenant to come, where through Jesus Messiah, Torah would be fulfilled and payment for sins would be complete!
This is yet another great reason why we must teach through the entire Bible!
It’s so that you can learn the full counsel of God’s Word for you and the world!
✅ The Gospel of God is concerning God’s Son, Jesus Christ
This prophetic Gospel of God is about God’s Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ and how Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected for the sins of the world.
By learning what the true Gospel is, we also can easily detect false gospels.
✅ The Gospel of God is not about anyone or anything else
The Gospel of God is not a get rich quick system, which Prosperity Gospel and Word of Faith false teachers try to make it about.
The Gospel of God is not a method to get things from God, which false teachers have made it into today.
The Gospel of God is not a social gospel, where we would try to reform things in society.
These are all false “gospels.”
Simply put, the Gospel of God is about Jesus Christ and Him crucified for your sins.
✅ The Gospel of God is for you
There are only 2 types of people. Those who will accept this Gospel of God, and those who reject it.
The Gospel of God is for you.
Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), who willingly died upon the cross for your sins.
There is no other way to receive eternal salvation, except through Jesus Christ and His being your sacrifice for your sins.
You cannot be saved from the fires of Hell and the Lake of Fire – except through the sacrifice of Jesus who paid for your sins through His precious blood that was shed for you.
Receive Jesus as your Savior who was crucified for your sins and Resurrected.
Repent from your sins and follow Jesus fully as the Lord of your life.
Question:❓ Do you believe in the Gospel of God?❓