69-29 Metropolitan Avenue, Middle Village (Queens), NY 11379

Park Outreach – June 18, 2016

CCATC Outreach on June 18, 2016

Jesus taught us to love people in many ways, including by giving them food and drink (see Matthew 25:31-40).

Time and time again, we have seen God do the miraculous as He keeps multiplying what we give out in the name of Jesus. When God thrusts us into these large outreaches, it’s reminiscent of the feeding of the 5,000 men with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish (Luke 9:12-17).

We, like the 12 disciples, don’t have enough resources to do this work by ourselves, nor in our own strength – yet Jesus seems to keep saying to our church, “You give them something to eat.” (Luke 9:13) As we take steps of faith to follow where He leads us to help people, Jesus keeps providing for us and keeps blowing away our minds!

These large park outreaches are a good lesson in learning that our God still does “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” (Ephesians 3:20)

Friends, pray for us as we labor for the Lord in His Harvest to see souls saved and disciples made! Thank you for your continued prayers, love and support. Please continue to pray for and support the Lord’s work through Calvary Chapel At The Cross. Pray for what your role might be in this outreach!

These are photos from our June 18, 2016 Park Outreach.

We have 31 Park Outreach Photos available for you to view.
Click on a photo below to enlarge it.