69-29 Metropolitan Avenue, Middle Village (Queens), NY 11379

Sermons on Colossians (Page 3)

In Christ: Forgiving One Another – part 4

As Christians in the church spend more time with one another, we’ll inevitably rub each other the wrong way. At times, this can be due to the healing process that each Christian is going through, and also as each person goes through their own growing pains. Before we were Christians, we would treat each other badly. But now as we follow Christ, we should examine each complaint against another, and utilize it as an opportunity to grow in God’s grace and to forgive, even as Christ forgave us. These choices will either lead us to Christian growth and maturity with healthy relationships, or to backsliding and bitterness as we destroy our relationships with God and each other. We must put off the old ways, and force ourselves to put on Christlikeness!

In Christ: Learning to Live in our New Nature – part 3

As Christians who have been born again, we cannot live in our old nature, for that way is dead. Christians now have a new nature, which is in Christ. We must learn to live in this new nature so that it’s possible for us to give godly grace, forgiveness, love and mercy to others. The butterfly can serve as an illustration for us, as a butterfly has a new nature and can never go back to living in its old nature, as a caterpillar. Everything’s new, including its food source, way of eating, its mobility and its appearance among many other things.

In Christ: Forgiven – part 2

The Old Testament gave us a picture of forgiveness of sins, where your sins were sent away when God forgave you. God only forgave sins through the Sin Offering offered up at The Altar, a picture of our Messiah Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. After Jesus died for our sins and was Resurrected, the New Testament letters instruct Christians to now forgive one another, just as Christ forgave us, for now we have a new nature, which is in Christ!