Seeing that Jesus is coming back for sure – but nobody knows the day and hour, except the Heavenly Father – we must: BEWARE, BE ALERT and BE IN PRAYER!
Seeing that Jesus is coming back for sure – but nobody knows the day and hour, except the Heavenly Father – we must: BEWARE, BE ALERT and BE IN PRAYER!
This study is a general overview of this End Times prophecy series.
Have you ever been manipulated to give to God? How should we give to God? Does the Bible say anything about how not to give to God? Listen in to find out!
Why did Jesus have to be Baptized? Did Jesus do any earthly ministry before He was Baptized? Should babies be Baptized? Is Baptism required for a person’s eternal salvation? What does the Bible say? Listen in to find out more as we bust some myths about Baptism!
In this message, we move from Mark’s account of this story, to seeing what Matthew recorded about the same event (Matthew 19:10-12). We see that as the story unfolds, we journey into the realm of what we can call single living.
If singles and married couples are to build a Christ-centered marriage, it is mandatory for them to 1st: see God’s Marriage Picture of Jesus Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5:32), 2nd: copy God’s examples, and then 3rd: build these things into their lives.