Great is the Mystery of Godliness December 19, 2021 Drew Segawa Christmas 1 Timothy, Matthew Great is the mystery of godliness. Jesus left heaven to be birthed into this earth as a human baby. We call this celebration time Christmas.
CCATC 17th Anniversary Celebration: God is Faithful August 29, 2021 Drew Segawa God's Faithfulness Ephesians, Isaiah, Matthew Calvary Chapel At The Cross exists to glorify God and to declare that God is Faithful! Listen to our Church Anniversary message here!
Baptism Sunday Summer 2021 August 15, 2021 Drew Segawa Baptism Colossians, Matthew We Baptize in obedience to Christ’s command to make disciples. We continue on to make disciples by teaching through the entire Bible.
Baptism Sunday Spring 2021 June 13, 2021 Drew Segawa Baptism Colossians Baptism is a symbol of death. Every Christian must die to the old life and the old ways and live in the new life in Christ. Listen in!
He Is Risen April 4, 2021 Drew Segawa Jesus' Resurrection, Resurrection, Resurrection Sunday Matthew He is Risen from the dead! We must tell others and make disciples. Listen to this message and share it with a friend!