None But One January 1, 2023 Drew Segawa Righteousness Romans Only Jesus Messiah is righteous and the only way to purge our sins is through Jesus and His sacrifice for us.
Virgin Birth of Jesus: Prophetical, Miraculous, Historical December 25, 2022 Drew Segawa Christmas Isaiah, Luke The Virgin Birth of Jesus was Prophesied 6,000 years ago, was Miraculous and is a Historical reality.
Advantage December 18, 2022 Drew Segawa Bible Benefits Romans God gives you an advantage in life, because He gave you His Word. These are some of the benefits of the Bible in your life.
Justified December 4, 2022 Drew Segawa Justification Romans Christians have been justified freely by God’s grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
The Riches of God November 27, 2022 Drew Segawa Spiritual Riches Romans Some may think the riches of God are financial in origin. Here’s what some of them are.