Great is the Mystery of Godliness December 19, 2021 Drew Segawa Christmas 1 Timothy, Matthew Great is the mystery of godliness. Jesus left heaven to be birthed into this earth as a human baby. We call this celebration time Christmas.
Paul Disciples Aquila and Priscilla December 12, 2021 Drew Segawa Bible Study, Discipleship Acts Aquila and Priscilla were a great example of a marriage used in ministry. Here’s how Paul successfully discipled them. Listen in and learn!
Paul in Athens November 21, 2021 Drew Segawa Bible Study, Social Media Acts When Paul was in Athens, he found the people spent all of their spare time hearing new things. Is this mindset still around today? Listen in!
Be a Berean – part 3 November 14, 2021 Drew Segawa Apologetics, Bible Study, Reasoning from the Scriptures, Search the Scriptures Acts In this message, we learn 12 reasons why we must search the Scriptures daily. Be like the Bereans. Listen in and learn!
Be a Berean – part 2 November 7, 2021 Drew Segawa Apologetics, Bible Study, Reasoning from the Scriptures, Search the Scriptures Acts As Christians are exhorted to be a Berean, how can we mimic how these Bereans were? Listen in to hear more!