Restoration October 18, 2020 Drew Segawa Calling, God's Love, Love, Ministry John, Matthew As Peter fishes for fish, Jesus fishes for Peter. Jesus caught Peter back to a restoration of his life’s calling and does the same for you!
It Is the Lord! October 14, 2020 Drew Segawa Friendship, Hearing from God, Hearing God's Voice 1 Samuel, John, Matthew Is Jesus calling you back to be close with Him again? Let us be a friend. Listen to this message that can help you know – It is the Lord.
Resurrection of Jesus – 10 Proofs from John 20 (with Slides) October 4, 2020 Drew Segawa Jesus' Resurrection, Resurrection John The Resurrection of Jesus is a must for us to study and observe. John left behind at least 10 clues for us in John 20. What are they?
Understanding Day of Atonement (with Slides) September 27, 2020 Drew Segawa Atonement, Holidays, Salvation Hebrews, Leviticus Understanding Day of Atonement is ideal to know the Bible better. What is Yom Kippur? Does it point you to Yeshua and His Atonement?
When Jesus Said It Is Finished This Is What He Meant September 20, 2020 Drew Segawa Salvation John When Jesus said “It Is Finished!” did He ever mean for you to have to do any work to obtain eternal salvation? Check this out to find out