To Slaughter the Lamb December 29, 2019 Drew Segawa Passover John When Jesus Christ entered into Jerusalem on a donkey, why did He enter in with a likely scene of thousands of Passover lambs surrounding Him?
Christmas 2019 December 22, 2019 Drew Segawa Christmas Matthew At Christmas time we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ into this earth. What could it have been like though for Joseph and Mary at that time?
The Box of Limiting Beliefs December 15, 2019 Drew Segawa Belief system John A religious person is forced to accept what they choose to, and reject what’s outside their belief system. Yet, when Jesus does a valid work for all to see, every person has a choice to make.
Loose the Bound and Give Them Freedom December 8, 2019 Drew Segawa Freedom, Healing, Truth John After Jesus resurrected Lazarus, He commanded the people around Lazarus to loose him and let him go. Lazarus becomes a picture of the Christian
Truth, Clarity, Closure – part 1 November 17, 2019 Drew Segawa Healing, Truth John Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” How does knowing truth as found in God’s Word make you free?