The Great Commission – part 3 – Discipleship Works October 21, 2018 Drew Segawa, Various speakers Disciples, Discipleship, Great Commission 2 Timothy Does Discipleship really work today? Listen in to find out and hear fresh tesimonies of those going through discipleship today.
The Great Commission – part 2 – Follow Me October 14, 2018 Drew Segawa Disciples, Discipleship, Great Commission Matthew When Jesus Messiah calls you, and keeps calling you…what is He essentially whispering to you, for you to do with your life?
The Great Commission – part 1 – Make Disciples October 7, 2018 Drew Segawa Disciples, Discipleship, Great Commission Matthew What is the Great Commission? Is it church planting? World evangelization? Is it World Missions? Is is solely preaching the Gospel or something else?