69-29 Metropolitan Avenue, Middle Village (Queens), NY 11379

Sermons by Drew Segawa (Page 88)

The Blame Game

The blame game is where we shift the focus of the blame away from ourselves, and onto someone or something else. The blame game started with Adam and Eve, and even continues today within humanity. However, God will hold people accountable for the death of Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God. Every human being is guilty of the death of Jesus, as every human being is a sinner, and Jesus Christ died for all of our sins. Nobody can escape this. Nobody can wash their hands and declare innocence, nor ignorance. Yet, this God loves us so much that He gave His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as a free gift to us to die as the payment for our sins! We must believe in and receive the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Love for Jesus versus Love of Money

Once more, we find Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus, as a worshipper at the feet of Jesus. Her motive here? It was her pure love for Jesus. As a contrast for comparison, we also find Judas Iscariot, a false follower of Jesus. His motive? It was his love of money, which eventually causes a person to be selfish, to reject and to betray Jesus. If you’re a Christian, watch and pray that the love of money never creeps into your heart. Instead, keep being a worshipper, and you’ll find you’ll become more and more like Jesus, who is a selfless giver.