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How To Get Healed From Family Wounds

How To Get Healed From Family Wounds

How To Get Healed From Family Wounds

How To Get Healed From Family Wounds
How To Get Healed From Family Wounds

One of my first memories of praying was from when I was less than 10 years old. I was in my bedroom at my bed and I asked God, “Why do I have to have him for a dad?”

There was tremendous pain growing up. And I believe a lot of it came from growing up without a good father figure in the house.

I felt abandoned and went into bouts of deep depression.

Part of my pain was also because I never felt loved by my dad. I actually thought he hated me. He used to call me names that would hurt.

It was really painful because I believed I wasn’t good enough for my dad and it was like he rejected me out of his life.

My efforts were never good enough and I was never good enough. Or at least that’s how I grew up thinking.

Then one day my Heavenly Father showed me how He wanted to heal me. He even taught me where it was in the Bible.

Now I want to share these Biblical principles with others so they can heal and grow too.


In the Baptism of Jesus, the Heavenly Father says, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17)

I call this Perfect Family. It’s one of the only times when God strategically lets us peek into the only perfect family life. It’s where we see a father (the Heavenly Father) communicate perfectly with the son (Jesus).


✅ 1. FAMILY BELONGING 👪 – the Father says “My” beloved Son.

Jesus obviously knew that He BELONGED to the Heavenly Father.

This helped me to see that My Heavenly Father also wanted me to belong to Him.

He showed me that through Christ’s sacrifice, I’ve been adopted into God’s Family.

Our family gives us our first identity in life.

Every person needs community. It’s the need to BELONG and if you’ve had a bad family life like I had it’s only totally healed by the Heavenly Father.

The old wounds don’t just go away; you’ve tried but you can’t just “forget about it.”

You must heal from those past wounds or your relationships keep suffering, especially your own family and your church family.

✅ 2. FAMILY LOVE ❤️ – the Father says “beloved” Son

Jesus knew of the Father’s LOVE for Him.

I had to heal from issues of believing a father could LOVE me.

But God has taught me and showed me and I’m now convinced that He LOVES me.

Some of us grew up with parents who had problems showing proper love and affection, or enough affection to their children.

Hearing and knowing that your parents LOVE you is a need. It’s not only a want.

Study God’s Word to see how God LOVES you. Let His Words minister to you and heal you.

Get to the point where you can accept His LOVE, can LOVE Him back and can share His LOVE with others.

✅ 3. FAMILY APPROVAL 👍🏽 – the Father says “in whom I am well pleased”

Jesus knew that the Father was pleased, and that He had His Father’s APPROVAL.

I also learned that my Heavenly Father APPROVES of me as I approach Him through Jesus Christ.

A child looks to their father for his APPROVAL.

They want to hear, “Good job,” get a high five or be embraced.

You may have felt rejected by an earthly father like I did, but there’s a Heavenly Father that’s waiting for you to come to Him.

You need to learn to obey God’s Word, so He can heal you and reward you with His peace, joy and comfort.

I’ve learned that I need to celebrate successes with my children.

I need to catch them doing good and to make a big deal out of their accomplishments.

In our family, we look for reasons to celebrate things and it’s refreshing to see.

Through healing from Family Wounds, God has shown me how to be a better child to Him, and how to be a better parent to my kids.

Although I still fail a lot, these Biblical principles show me where to focus my words and actions.

If you’re like me and need to heal from any of these areas, the Heavenly Father can heal you. I’m living proof of this!

We cover Healing from Family Wounds on Day 7 of the 8 Day Growing and Healing Challenge.
Signup and see testimonies here:

Question:Which of these 3 key principles resonate with you