69-29 Metropolitan Avenue, Middle Village (Queens), NY 11379
Free Bible Study Downloads
Free Bible Study Downloads

Here you’ll find various free Bible Study tools where you can download Bible Study guides and download free Bible Study Workbooks.

These tools are to help you study God’s Word and in understanding the Scriptures.

What does the Bible say about studying God’s Word?

“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”

2 Timothy 2:15

What kind of Bible Study tools and downloads will be available here?

  • Bible study downloads (downloadable Bible studies)
  • Various Bible study PDF downloads
  • Bible Timeline chart free downloads
  • Book notes and helps
  • and more

I hope and pray these can help you to develop a deep knowledge and understanding of God and God’s Word.

Let me know if this has been of help to you.

~ Pastor Drew

What you need to know about God’s Peace

A Topical and Exhaustive survey of all New Testament passages on God’s Peace. 
(as found in the New King James Version Bible)

What you need to know about God’s Peace

What You Need To Know About God's Peace

Revelation Bible Study Downloads

The following slides are of great help for both Students and Teachers of God’s Word. Click on each to View or to Download the PDFs

Preparing to Learn Revelation

Revelation Timeline Overview

Download and Print this Overview and fill in the blanks as you study through Revelation or test yourself!

Revelation Overview and Main End Times Prophecy Events
Revelation Overview and Main End Times Prophecy Events Spanish
Revelation Overview and Main End Times Prophecy Events Spanish


Introduction to Revelation

Revelation 1-1-3 - Introduction And Overview
Revelation 1-1-3 – Introduction And Overview

Teaching Slides for Studying through Revelation


Inductive Bible Study

Download and Print this chart to help you as you learn the Inductive Bible Study method.


Book Notes and Helps

Book: The Jesus Style by Gayle D. Erwin

Spiritual Gifts Printout

The Tabernacle of Israel